Saturday, December 29, 2007
Battle for your TV
Both the cable and satellite offerings have pay-per-view content, while freeview generally doesn't. All of these offerings have recording options, although generally with cable or satellite you would have to use the operators set up box, with freeview you are free to choose from a variety of products, some with hard drives for recording.
Two more recent entries on the market are worth looking at further though. BT and Microsoft. BT have released Vision, which is a freeview recorder with pay-per-view capabilities. It looks as if BT have taken two interesting features from the above and merged them before the others had a chance. Get free digital channels, the ability to record programs and the option to purchase movies, TV shows and sporting events all without a contract and monthly fee.
So far so good, apart from the fact with BT Vision, as the content is delivered over the IP network it means you have to have a minimum broadband speed to cope with the streaming, and the way to do that is to have BT broadband. As a side note, to have BT broadband you need a BT land line, sorry all those who switched to cable.
It seems like a lot of competition, but let's not forget the software companies attempts. Well, I call them software companies, but if you have an Xbox 360 or Apple TV then that's hardware really isn't it?
Now in the UK you can download standard definition or high definition pay per view content. Its movies and TV shows at the minute with no sporting content signed up, but who knows what the future might bring. We've been able to download TV content from iTunes for a while now (well not really in the UK) and let's not forget the muted Amazon Unbox.
We're crossing into interesting territory now. With cable and satellite operators you need a billing relationship (and all that implies, i.e. address etc). With BT, you also need that, but have to buy into their other products. With iTunes, xBox 360 Live and Amazon Unbox you pay for what you use when you use it (or use pre-pay credits) and use them where ever you are signed in to the relevant hardware or software to view your content.
Are we living in a world where we increasingly don't need or want bundles? With mobile broadband from providers like 3, and wireless city meshes potentially driving out needing a cable run into your home for land line phone services and broadband, where digital TV is free and pay-per-view content available through a variety of sources be they games consoles, set top boxes or just over the web do consumers want to be tied into contracts and services they can only use in one place?
Friday, December 28, 2007
SDPs and other acronyms
After reading JPs recent entry about the word 'platform' now being an overloaded word, I remembered what the telco industry was currently going through. I get the impression sometimes that in the industry if it's not worth putting a committee together to solve a problem, then there is no problem.
Take your typical Service Delivery Platform (SDP), talk about a problem that doesn't need solving! SDPs are specific to the telco industry according to Wikipedia. But, why are they specific? If SDPs are so central to (and I cringe as I type this) 'Telco 2.0' why isn't anyone else doing it? Why can't I just buy one? For that matter, why isn't there an open source SDP I can run?
I really like Urmy's "complex is lots of simple" approach. I look at some of the newish companies coming out and they seem to have something in common. David James said something which stuck with me about making your product x, the best damm product x anyone has seen. Take Twitter for example, what they do is really good, and it's simple to use and code against.
When building a generic framework, I'd like to see lots of loosely connected, easy to use web APIs to make it so easy to plug an application together, you could build it before you had time to put a committee together. Yes, those newish start ups do have the luxury of having no legacy systems like telco's do, but that doesn't give anyone permission to shroud those legacy systems in the mysteries of acronyms.
hReview use for music ratings
What I'd really like to do is be able to traverse my music collection and build up a hReview page of where I've given a rating to songs and albums. What would be cool, would be to then import that into those music sites so my musical tastes are syncronized (and no, not the album by Jamiroquai).
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Twitter as a messaging platform
Well, that's what I've started to do. My itch is a common one in the UK and probably throughout Europe and certain parts of the world, but when you generalise it, it becomes a problem that nearly every one has. When there's a certain piece of information that I want to know as it happens, how do I find that out?
For me, it's Arsenal scores. I'm a big Arsenal fan, and unfortunately I don't get to see many games live (other wise I might not have this problem). As much as Arsenal play on TV, I often don't get a chance to see that either, I don't subscribe to Sky or cable, so I'll pop to the pub. Anyhoo, I want to know when there's a change of score, and I want to know the final score of all Arsenal games. So what did I do about it?
Let's put that question to one side for now and look at Twitter. I've been using Twitter for a few months and I'm lovin' it! One of the key points here is that it's a pulling mechanism of messaging. You have to 'follow' someone to view their updates but you can view those messages on the web, through RSS, third party applications (using the Twitter web API or RSS) or through SMS.
Let's get back to the question at hand. The Beeb has a great website for sport, particularly their refreshing latest score pages. Although not RSS, which is a shame, the page is formatted nicely, so writing an application to extract key data is pretty simple. Twitter can then be used to post that data too and anyone, myself included, can subscribe that information in my preferred means.
Looking back at the little application I wrote, it's screamingly obvious that with easy to use web APIs all you have to do is write some plumbing code to do what you want to do and scratch that itch that's been irritating you.
So far, I've created users on Twitter for Arsenal, Birmingham and Manchester Utd.
Soon, I'll be creating users for all Premiership clubs and pushing this a little more. Let me know if you have an itch (or well, at least a team you'd like to follow, it can be any team that has a live scores page from the BBC Sport Football website), let me know =)
Friday, December 21, 2007 vs musicovery vs pandora
I'd rather use or at work, but I can't. The next best thing would be to share my 'taste' of music across these sites.
Come on everyone, microformats are the way forward!
Blyk - Free calls for adverts
There seems to be two schools of thought about advertising, the Cluetrainthought (number 74) against the Google/Facebook "look at us we're made of millions yet we don't take a penny" thought. Blyk seems to be taking the second side.
Get them while they're young!
Let's consider for a while, as the Guardian points out, teenagers are going to love this, free stuff rocks! But the Register points out a more serious side with the consequences.
Blyk will not only have your profile data for getting the sim (age and sex etc), but by using the handset it will also have call and location data about the caller as well. This data is invaluable, your location (although generally restricted by hundreads of meters at best through Cell Mast postitioning) can be used for targeted advertising and can also use call and SMS history to target ads as well. Will they go as far as reading your texts for key words?
People expect stuff for free now! Most are willing to be advertised at for free stuff, but some are still cautious about this.
I'm not quite sure how I feel about this all yet. Anyway, check them out and Blyk in the news:
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Gordon Ramsey and Software Craftmanship

It's amazing the way you can find links between tenious, discrete things. This week my tenious link is Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmare. I find it really interesting that no matter where Gordon finds himself he tends to offer the same three pieces of advice, the only difference is how he assists execute that.
1) Keep things simple - most resturants Gordon visits tend to have elaborate menu's, trim the fat and do what you're good at.
2) increase efficenticy - to increase turn around and quality, put better processes in place. A simplefied menu will help, but add fresh food with pre-prepared (that day, not days old!) bases that you can churn out.
3) do some marketing to increase awareness. Let people know you've changed and give them samples to show them the goodness.
Looking at this, I can certainly see where my industry fits in. Make your products easy to use, make it so building your products is easy, and go out there any let people know about it and try it for free!
Friday, December 14, 2007
RippleRap is built on TiddlyWiki, a open source, primarily client based all-in-one wiki page and so I was somewhat familiar with the navigation and use of the application.
So, the question that I wanted answered was why I would want something like this instead of a text editor (local or hosted) or a wiki page online? The wifi at LeWeb was up and down and as you run RippleRap from disc you would never get any connection errors. If you were using a hosted solution you would have had to use local based notes and copy and paste all over the place. If that were the case, why not use just a local text editor? Well, when you do have connection, RippleRap automatically publishes any saved notes to anyone else using the app for that conference. This means others can read your notes and conversely, you can read other people's notes.
I got some benefit being able to read other people's notes from the conference. Others had picked up on things I missed and I could read notes from sessions I missed as soon as someone saved their notes (and had connection to publish). Some added quotes, some commentary and thoughts; I think a range of different possibilities will emerge if this grows.
I like the fact I can also get the feeds from agenda points, there's a great example from JPs talk.
There were some things that could be improved upon and new features which could spring up. My thoughts drift the idea of a conference dashboard where I could enter tags which I'm interested in and be presented in feeds from the web tagged with that information. For example, the tag LeWeb3 appeared in Twitter, Flickr and probably a whole bunch more. I'd also like to be able to tune that to get updates from sites which I'm interested in and not to receive updates from sites in which I'm not interested in.
I'd also like to have a permalink to the notes I've and others have made so I can quote those in blog posts.
It'd be cool to be able to go to to set up a conference with agenda and then pull that down to distribute it, or get the permalink to that for others to download.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Vlogging the anwser to TV reborn? Get out of town!
I asked a question (heartbeat++++): "you've talked a lot about video blogging, but what about open source film like A Swarm of Angels and content providers giving it up like Star Wars Mashups?"
The answer was summed up by Paul Downey on Twitter.
The panel didn't understand the question, and I was largely ignored. It's not that these guys don't get it, but (a Phillipe Stark saying coming up) they are walking and looking at their feet.
thanks to Phil Hawksworth for capturing this photo:

Here's the video, goto 41 minutes to see my question:
Monday, December 10, 2007
International Surfing
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
100th Blog post

I'd noticed that my blogger account was showing 100 posts for this blog and to be honest I was a little surprised. I thought I'd go back and look at my posting habits. Check out the graph. When I started this blog, it was mainly so I could post amusing anecdotes of my travels around Italy back in May 2005. I'd been fed up of emailing everyone and missing people off, so I gave my friends the blog link and told them to read that for my misadventures. If you've been reading for a while, you'd noticed that after that trip I had nothing more to say. Then I started with a few bits and pieces until a few months ago when I started hitting the blog hard.
While I've been working in my current job, I've been absorbing more and reading lots which has culminated in my suddenly having quite a bit to say.
Now, sometimes I don't know if other people are having the same thoughts as me, or if I'm having the same thoughts of other people. Art reflecting life, life reflecting art and all that. But it seems people are being quite reflective of their own blogging. launches against bloggers who like to think their journalists. I don't think I'm in this category, I just find this gives me a place to ramble, and get my thoughts down.
Piotr and David have both commented on why they've not be blogging enough, and I'd say to that, that blogging to me is my mind dump. It's a place to get everything out. I'm not a journalist, and I certainly don't spend a great deal of time writing my entries. In fact, I'm with Scoble here, don't be afraid to be wrong or to look wrong. And if you're thinking about stopping your blog, think about your global microbrand.
Using or a solution to the Robbie Clutton problem
I tried out a few things which Cristiano wanted, like hosting the link in your own domain and building gadgets.
First, on my own (rarely used) home page I added an auto discovery RSS element, so the RSS icon appears in the address bar and points to my lifestream feed. I also added a new page to show just a gadget along with the auto discovery RSS feed. You could do similar things with a redirect straight to the feed, or use some XSLT to transform the feed to your own presentation.
As a lazy developer and human being, I had hoped someone had built something like this so I didn't need to. Thanks onaswarm, expect some feature requests from me in the future =)
Friday, November 30, 2007
Becoming a Software Engineer
This led to some interesting debates on my return to work, with some questioning the need to do a computer science degree at all. It seems there are plenty of people with other technical degrees that move into the software field, and seem to do rather well for themselves.
My take is that my degree was very vocational, and the things I learn't at university I apply directly to my job today. Also that I picked up a lot of theory and hopefully have a more rounded and thorough understanding of the technical problems we face. Hopefully. I have to say though that probably for each useful module I had, I had one useless module. Go figure, I could have tried harder at university, I could have learn't more, but I came out with a good degree and have a good job so no massive loss.
On reflection, a lot of the books I bought at uni are either sitting on my shelf largely unread or have been sold on eBay. But now adays I tend to read a lot of technical and 'business' books, so what would I recomend to prospective students?
'Technical books'
Agile web development with Rails - an excellent introduction to web programming in a cool language, though it leaves testing a little late.
'Business books'
Mavericks at work - a look at innovative solutions to common business problems.
Cluetrain Manifesto - how the web has changed business and made us communicate again.
Getting Real - 37 Signals answer to bloatware.
'Methodology books'
Practices of an agile developer - excellent practices to follow for an agile developer
Lean Software Development - lean and trim software development.
There's probably a whole bunch more I can't think/remember of and a bunch I'd like to read.
What would you recomend?
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Stuffed or information overload
I seriously need a cull of the feeds in my reader, I can't keep up with everything that people are writing. I tend to have a habit of adding feeds left right and center when ever I read a good post/article. I like and want to be able to read good bloggers.
What to do?!?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Lifestreaming or the Robbie Clutton problem
Check out that post, then come back.
Ok, finished?
Something I've been thinking about recently is how to make lifestreaming easier for everyone. At the moment, I've seen blogs about doing that using Yahoo! Pipes, which is cool, but let's make it easier.
Any volunteers to help build a life stream site welcome =)
Sunday, November 25, 2007
How much is it worth?
Now, for example, Heroes, the awesome TV show is currently running the second series in the US, but the first season is only just finishing up in the UK. Luckily it's on BBC, so my TV license covers me to watch that, but really, why should I miss out on a digital product which is available in a different country, but now in my own country?
Let's get this straight, a show show/series/season is a product. It's something that you pay for, either through TV license, subscription or pay per view. It's not a traditional product, but it's something a lot of people pay for, hence the high cost for production companies to try to out do each other.
I might have lost out on this, take Lost for example. In the UK, it's on Sky first, and I'll be dammed if I'm paying £40p/m for something I don't need. I'll also be dammed if I'm going to pay £40 for the first half or even the whole season when it comes out on DVD. I might, however, be interested to pay a nominal amount to watch the stream of an episode. Hell, I might pay even more if I can download it and watch it where-ever. Why not take a leaf out of Radiohead's book and let me download the whole lot, week by week, and when available, send me a copy of the DVD release.
Yeah, I'd pay for that. I don't want to subscribe, I want to pay per view, and if that's through a consumer product like BT Vision, or Freeview then so be it. But, how about just using the web? And please, none of this DRM crap, I'd like to be able to watch the damm video on my Linux laptop while I'm traveling.
Word to the wise: I'm not going to pay for Sky, Cable or any subscription TV service. I'm not likely to buy a DVD of a TV series if I've seen it already, though I might take a chance if I've not seen it and it's reasonably priced. I am likely to pay for an on-demand/download service for high quality, HD content if I don't have to wait 9 months after it's shown on US television.
Time to get your act together, that includes you BBC!
The customer is always right, and now they've only got themselves to blame
Though I was taken my Barry Schwartz view on this (an excellent presentation I'm sure you'll agree), it seems now that the small guy is coming through, and they are giving people what they want. Something different. is a great example here. A community driven clothes selling retail web site. Users can upload their designs and other users can vote for those. Winning* designs are printed by threadless for a limited run. Once those t-shirts sell, users can request another print run though at threadless's discretion. What an awesome idea.
Flicking through Saturday's Guardian, I come across another innovative, if similar idea. Essentially the same, except for household objects. People can upload designs of products and others can suggest changes and make comments. Once that product has a certain amount of votes (currently 1000), the business agrees to take on the design (unless it conflicts with copyright, health and safety laws etc) and create a batch to sell to retail channels. Now, this guy has just set up a channel agreement with Muji, a UK high street distributor. Instead of the threadless payback (kudos, plus some one off cash and gift vouchers - plus potentially more for re-prints and winning further competitions), the designer is given royalties on profits. How awesome is that. Both interesting models.
So now, not only can you buy something that's different, on a limited run, you can now potentially get your own ideas made for yourself and into the homes of others.
These sites let you contribute, but personalisation sites are doing well too, least we forget =)
*winning defined by, not exactly sure what that is as I've not entered a competition
Experiencing Customer Experience
I bought tickets to Barcelona for Tech Ed from Easyjet, but made the mistake of booking the wrong week. I don't know why, my mind was elsewhere or something. Anyhoo, I noted that to change a flight there's a charge applied, fair enough I though. When I booked however, I was shown prices which I believed were the new price flights before my flight prices had been deducted. Only after I'd gone through the whole process had I realised that I'd been charged that extra. To me it had looked like I'd paid twice. I contacted Easyjet and over several increasingly frustrating exchanges I had not got any compensation. I had believed I had been charged twice, they didn't even listen to my point of view, and instead pointed me to their T&Cs. Bad customer experience.
I'd made the stupid mistake of getting carried away by a sale. All t-shirts for $10. At the time I was just about to move home, but instead of directing them somewhere sensible, like my parents, I got them delivered to my home that I was currently occupying. The package went missing in the post. When I contacted threadless they were suprisingly helpful. They asked me to wait two weeks just in case the package showed up. When they didn't, they offered a full refund! I took credit, as I wanted to order some more t-shirts and they gave me an additional $5 for my troubles! Even though I'd pretty much said I was most likely my fault! Good customer experience.
land of leather
When I'd moved into my new home, I was in need of a sofa/couch. As it happened I'd seen an ad for a sale in the land of leather. I went into the store and after a while, seen a cracking sofa. Paid for it and had it delivered the next week. Only it wouldn't fit through the door. Somehow this was my fault. I'd thought the sofa would come apart, surely this is a common problem, I mean I only life in a standard size house. That was the first problem, the second was that the delivery drivers expected to get paid. This pissed me off royally, why should I pay for a product I'd not received? They wouldn't even give a refund. Bad customer experience.
Round up
It's not all about the money, it's about the dialog. Land of leather and Easyjet refused to enter a dialog with me, which meant I didn't get what I wanted and damaged their brand in my eyes. entered a dialog with me and exceeded expections.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Buying, Building and Open Sourcing
Software engineers need love too.
Having essentially 48 hours to build a product, mostly from scratch, or at least using new products/APIs and services to plug something together seemed to suggest that we threw our best practices out of the window. Now the working environment wasn't set up exactly how we would have liked it, but we could have done something about that. Without even the basic necessity of source control, it felt as if the team were fire fighting from an early stage with USB drives being swapped around at crucial times, along with cries of "hey, can you add this method to the code?" when it could have been done easily and checked in.
I certainly felt like I was developing with one hand without using test driven development, source control, continuous integration et al. If three days being thrown into the deep end has taught me anything, its to be prepared.
I once heard the phrase, "a bad tradesman blames his tools", but conversely, does that mean that a tradesman is only as good as the tools he uses? Perhaps I've grown so used to the tools that I use that I've come to depend on them, and while that encourages best behaviour, does that make me inflexible?
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Introducing the next killer app: The API
Sunday, November 18, 2007
I'm going to blog about you
While talking about Tech Ed, Alan mentions meeting us and has a picture to prove it. Brilliant, that certainly made my day. Check it out here.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Other peoples blogs
Please stop it, if I want to know what you're reading, I'll subscribe to your (or whatever) feed.
If you want to subscribe to mine, you can get it at
You won't find link only posts on my blog entry =p
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Anonymity, Freedom of speech and privacy on the web
I was pointed to a discussion going on at about Facebook users not being able to sign up with 'fake names'. Really, who is Facebook to judge such things? I have friends who sign up to most things with a fake name and email address specifically to not give away personal information. Who cares?
In my previous post I discussed the use of inner dialogs spilling out onto the web giving everyone a voice. Though the volume of randomness is extremely high (my RSS reader constantly tells me I've got more then a 1000 items to read, yikes!) everyone deserves a voice. We may choose to not listen, but that's another matter.
Like an employee kept behind a firewall during their 9-5, do they have a right to discuss their opinions openly on the web and do that in an anonymous way?
Others are framing what I think is the same scenario differently, JP talks about openness rather then anonymity while David Weinberger goes more into depth on the Facebook ad platform regarding privacy.
An interesting comeback, as I'm reading Cluetrain Manifesto at the moment (finally), and Chris Locke is talking about his struggles to get his voice heard while at IMB. Being locked down by the corporation, Chris resorted to anonymous mailing list/early blogs to get his views across.
Certainly, when I started using the web, I used psudeo names when I posted on message boards and even when I started blogging here. I'm not so anonymous anymore, but that's my choose and my decision to make, not any one application or business.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Social Networks and Inner Dialogs

"With Britain home to four million blogs, the inner monologue is in peril. But when everything is made public, something is lost" - Marina Hyde
Amazing! That comment and the rest of the article made me question why I even write blog posts in the first place. Yet, I'm still here, typing away. The part about the inner dialog makes me think about one of JDs daydreams from Scrubs (yes, I love that show). It all got me thinking, there certainly is a lot of information on the superhighway, and it's becoming more and more important how we filter that as more and more people have a voice and use it. I've certainly seen some complete gibberish on some of the social networks out there, along with the many blogs.
Does your inner dialog feel repressed in todays world? I certainly find myself talking/thinking to myself as much as any other time. Except now I think about how I can turn it into a blog post lol.
Convergence, Divergence and Social Web Apps
Seriously though, has the world gone convergence mad? Is there any demand left for divergence? Well, I look at my hi-fi system and I see a perfect example. Now, I'm no expert, but since I had my first job stacking shelves at the local supermarket, I've bought hi-fi separates. I've bought good components and upgraded as I've gone along. I pay for what I want, and don't pay for what I don't. Want a kick ass amp? Hell yeah! Want a DAB digital radio? Not really.
When I look at social web apps like Facebook, I see massive convergence. Yes, developers are writing third party apps, but it feels like I get trapped in the Facebook mini-web. I like being able to choose what web apps I want to use and how to use them, and yes, I even pay for some of those (Flickr Pro rocks!). All of those apps are online and interact-able over the web and some even over SMS (e.g. Twitter and Dopplr).
This leads me onto another thought. None of the apps send me an email to tell me something has changed on their site and that I need to go to their site to see that. I can just get that straight through that email, or through other means like RSS (which means I can stick with my favourite RSS reader).
I mention this as I was sent this brilliant blog post at which reads like a web manifesto, and one I can sign up to.
In Facebook, I've got my 'friends' sorted and they can see any changes in state, application notifications and lots of other crap. I don't have to tell my friends about each application which is good, but means I get loads of crap I'm not interested in and find it hard to filter that out.
That was for the first point, I think I've touched on some of the others and you can easily see what the post is describing with the others. I can totally understand the point about OpenID though. Please, please, please, if you're reading this and are building a web app, for the love of god let me use OpenID.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Steven Fry, Techo Blogger
This is probably the most convincing article I've read about the iPhone for the UK, worth a read.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Making Friends and Influencing Robots
Going to a conference to show off communication services often results in those we talk to thinking about the different notifications engines that sending SMSs could be used for. Cool, great, yeah... Now and then someone comes along with something a little different. Step up Mr Paul Foster. Paul has an interesting gadget at home. A robot. It reminds me of the robot in Rocky IV that sings happy birthday to Paulie. The subtle difference though is Paul's robot travels through his house and does stuff and isn't just in a classic (?) 80s film. Don't ask me what kind of stuff, I just don't know. What I do know though is that the robot has a web server and using CallFlow, Paul can use the pattern matching DTMF collections to POST requests to the web server that is Paul's robot, and that the robot can understand those requests and perform a task which Paul has programmed in. Read for yourself what Paul is up to.
Round of applause for the most creative idea I've heard of so far.
This triggered a distant memory (August is distant still right?), when JayFresh forwarded me a clip sent from Michael found about using a phone to control a video game. Check it out about 6 minutes in.
At the time this wasn't possible with the Web21C SDK, but Paul has shown that with CallFlow this is most definitely possible.
Happy coding.
Taking a REST at the library
Saturday, November 03, 2007
data mining for good
From this data along with my location, I just got an email with gig listing of music I might like coming up in my location.
my blog stability
Hopefully anyone affected shouldn't have any more problems, but please let me know if you do.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
All Change: Lessons Learnt?
I wonder where we make this mistake in our everyday/work lifes. When we pass things on, or move about in the work place, does the loss of continuity affect performance? Can this lead to the same discussion being had over and over or the same mistakes being made over and over?
Open Source: consumer vs creator (more thoughts)
These do range from consumer (as in retail) to business and as such have different market stratgeies and such. I was wondering if it would depend what market you were in to how your open source strategy would be implemented.
If you solve a common problem, should you open source it, sell it or shelf it?
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Open Source: consumer vs creator
I think I may have been guilty of some naivety around consumers of open source. I've heard some people be openly proud of the consumptive use of open source, but is it good enough to only be a consumer?
JP Rangaswami's blog post on 'Build vs Buy vs Opensource' springs to mind. Let's take in a few examples, and yes, they will be simple, as I'm simple minded ;)
Company A has a business problem that needs solving and they download a bunch of open source tools and applications (web servers and the like) and write a bit of custom code and make a custom application that solves that problem. Cool, well done.
Company B has a similar problem, but this time they sell that application as a vendor . OK, that's all well and good they've got costs to cover and if there's a market that's willing to pay then their analysts have done their job.
Now, what if both products from company A and B become common problems in themselves. Do they have a responsibility to open those products up? Perhaps responsibility is the wrong word, there may be circumstances (not red take circumstances that is) that makes this not the case, but do they at least have a moral obligation as a consumer to at least consider opening up?
Perhaps later, company A build a new product completely from scratch. If that becomes a common problem later, do they have any more reason to open source?
I suppose what I'm trying to ask is, is it enough as a creator to be a consumer of open source software to say "I'm open source friendly"?
Oh, and if you didn't attend, the take away was definitely PSDs poster.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Show me the feeds
Keeping it Simple
In short, Apple's used the best productivity trick in the world: to make the right thing to do the easy thing to do. Leopard's release will no doubt bring on an uptick of Mac users who diligently back up their system and data without even thinking about it.
I love that some companies are driving simplicity as product differentials. Apple are a great example, but I love the stuff 37Signals are churning out as well.
Keep us honest!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Posting updates to Twitter with Ruby
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
url = URI.parse('')
url.user = "your username"
url.password = "your password"
res = Net::HTTP.post_form(url, {'status' => "hello world"})
puts res.body
Just two requires are needed before getting your hands dirty. Next is setting up Basic Authentication on the URI and posting with a single parameter of 'status'. Job done. View the result in XML or JSON through the update extension in the URI.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Twitter for group messaging
My thougths evolved into different kinds of application uses for Twitter and so far I've come up with two. Firstly, an account for an application to use for the specific use of microblogging. After this thought I went and set up an account for Mojo, a project I have been involved in at work, so those interested could hear what Mojo had to say.
The second use is more detailed to an application than say, a group of developers such as the Mojo example. As a football fan, I'm always interested in the latest Arsenal score, but I don't follow them extensively and am often out and about when they play choosing instead to watch highlights. I had thought about building an application that could slurp feeds from relevant sporting sites and post those to Twitter using their API. Then using features such as follow, I could get those feed updates straight to my mobile.
Cool eh? Now I have to go write it =)
Monday, October 22, 2007
Imifed blogging and other coolness
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Left field anwsers
Project Darkstar from Sun in an Open Source online game server with massive scalability that may help answer some questions for me. Interesting.
Technorati Profile
Saturday, October 20, 2007
OpenID and the Friend of a Friend social network problem
Surely there's got to be a lot of leg room for OpenID as the data carrier of some kind of FOAF micro-format? OpenID can be extended, and if everyone moves towards OpenID as the authentication method of choice, surely that can be represented as a node in the social graph.
Something work thinking about methinks...
Friday, October 19, 2007
More finger pointing in the music biz
Once again I'll repeat my message. Stop moaning and change your business models to survive, or you will fall.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
apps of the day
Jott looks like another interesting place, doing voice transcripts from voice mails and putting those as feeds on their site. Only available to US residents at the moment, which is a shame as I'd really like to try it out.
The secret of Radiohead's "In Rainbows" business model.
read more | digg story
Google patents datacenter-in-a-shipping-container, ignores Sun's BlackBox
read more | digg story
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
The Perfect Desktop?
read more | digg story
Sunday, October 07, 2007
laptop batteries
After speaking with JT at work, I'm seriously considering running Ubuntu on the HP with VMWare to try to improve performance.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Facebook Feed Shock!
No backward capability for new PS3s
This kind of talk makes me think - wait, I've spent a lot of money buying stuff for the PS2 and was holding out for the PS3 to drop in price so I could still play my PS2 games. But now I might as well sod the PS3 and just get the 360 as buying a PS3 is the same as starting again!
Facebook vs Your Favourite RSS Reader
This all makes me think about the Facebook debate about walled gardens. To be honest, I do have a Facebook account, but find it generally quite annoying. What it is great at is something close to online personal CRM app with lots of people contributing to. I've already used it a few times to get contact information from when I've not had someones number and needed to get in touch with them.
I think for me, although the friend of a friend (FOAF) issues remain, I'd much rather sign up for various web apps (Twitter,, Dopplr, Flickr and blogs) feeds and watch those through my RSS reader than watch those through Facebook.
It frankly amazes me that they're considered worth £10bn or something. It must be through potential advertising channels and otherwise.
In an effort to attempt to circumnavigate Facebook, I've set up a Yahoo! Pipe to grab all my feeds from across the web and suck then all in one place. For now, you can see that here:
Thoughts on Scrapblog and Ficlets
I've tried two newish web apps today, and Scrapblog looks like a place where you can create a presentation and share it on the web, but try not to think about Power Point, think funky young play things. It's pretty easy to use, but lacks some ease of use features like OpenID, nice URIs and RSS everywhere (it does have RSS, but you have to lunch some javascript to get to it, yuck).
You can see my first effort, my recent holiday to Nice, France here: is a short story site where you're restricted to 1024 characters, but the community can write prequals and sequals, pretty neat. I dug out a few stories I wrote whilst at university and posted there ( This site is all web2.0ed up, brilliant. I'm loving the adopotion of OpenID and this site is easily navigatable with pretty URIs and lots of RSS everywhere.
There's lots to learn from Ficlets, let's carry on making it easier for users so we can all be lazy =)
Monday, October 01, 2007
Blogs/Articles of the day
More cheap virtual/cell phone companies starting up
Finally, after a great idea here about searching blogs for compaints and responding, At&T are taking it the other way...
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Cool Tools - V2
Decision 1, Vista, XP or Ubuntu: I'd currently been using Vista which I'm happy with apart from my VPN client doesn't work. So I can't remotely log into my work network without spinning up a XP virtual. Pain indeed. The reason I'd consider XP is because of this, the features I like in Vista can be replicated in XP with tools like lauchy and Slick Run. I'd consider Ubuntu as I'm running it on my hope laptop. I could use OpenOffice and still develop in Rails, but some things like Live Meeting, a web sharing tool widely used at work, don't work. The VPN client doesn't work much like Vista and I couldn't install Visual Studio if I needed to do some .Net development.
Can't decide. Probably Vista with a virtual for VPN =/
Office 2007 is a cert, although I've no problem with OpenOffice. Many of the tools on the previous post still stand. Some I don't use any more because I'm not doing that type of work any more, or baked in features (index search in Outlook) have made applications like Lookout redundant (those in the know will know Lookout was bought by Microsoft and it's a high probablilty that the codebase found it's way into Office 2007). I've made a lot of use of OneNote which isn't in OpenOffice, so I'll be sticking with Office 2007 for now. There are alternative's, but I'm happy and lazy.
RealVNC is a cool product. We've got cool build TVs at work so VNC is handy for getting onto those computers (yes, built into the TVs how cool!) to display a web meeting or build reports.
Since doing a lot of Ruby on Rails development recently, I've been using Netbeans, but I'll probably give RadRails a try which is an Eclipse plug in.
I've been using HeidiSQL as a GUI front to MySQL which is very easy to use.
Other tools I've been using:
Microsoft Office Communicator
Flickr Uploadr
Foxit Reader
Visual Studio 2005 Team Tester/Developer edition (does anyone else hate SKUs?)
NUnit (not Visual Studio tests, see previous rants)
Nokia PC Suite (guess what phone make I've got)
VMWare Player
VLC Media Player
Friday, August 24, 2007
I'm Dave Gorman
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
V Review - Sunday
We started with Mark Ronson who rolled out some guest apparences, followed by a subduded Rilo Killey (mainly due to under filling the JJB/Puma tent). Lily Allen was next who was too funny. I caught some on video, so keep an eye out on for those. We caught an underwhelming performance from the Manics whom we walked away from in about 10 minutes to catch Kasabian instead who rocked! Killers finished up with a truely rock and roll performance. The whole of the main stage was packed, and it was rocking.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
VFestival Review - Saturday
Foo Fighters play secret gig - We got to V early, sorted ourselves out with a drink then sat and waited for Juliet and the Licks to perform and got treated to the unknown band 606. Turns out, it was actually an acoustic set by the Foo's. Awesome.
Paolo Nutini was a surprise for me, sure I'd heard some of his stuff on the radio but he put out a really good performance and I really enjoyed his stuff. Especially his covers of "I want to be like you" from the Jungle Book and Mobys' "Natural Blues".
Kayne West rocked, and I caught a video of him doing a sample of the Verve's Bittersweet Symphony
Snow Patrol were brilliant and even rolled out Martha Wainwright to do a duet of "Set the Fire to the 3rd Bar" and we watched the Kooks wrap up. They were pretty good, but it doesn't help when they play new stuff on the closing set of a festival.
All the bad stuff
I'm sick of the heavyweight commercialism of these events. With day tickets, like what we had, there was no re-admittance. Really? You think during a whole day I might not want to leave the venue to perhaps get a coat out of my car? Or in our situation, food so we wouldn't be forced to pay for overpriced crap, like burgers that'd been cooked this morning but now 'warming' on the side. As luck would have it, they had the Caribbean stall back and you know you're getting quality chicken rice and peas and goat curry there!
It seemed ridiculous, the queues for drinks. I was waiting in a 5 deep queue at the bar in the Cider House and the place seemed so disorganised, with most of the taps out of cider and the bar staff running around like headless chickens. After waiting half an hour, I gave up!
Check out Saturdays photos.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
"Were you in that video?"
However, last night at the Facebook Developer party someone came and asked me that question that they was not affiliated with the project at all and didn't work at BT. Now, that was a surprise!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Robbie on Rails Part 3 - The Conflict of Redirect vs Render
Hmm, this is a bit of a problem. We can render the new resource using "render :action => 'action'", but it doesn't show the URI to the user who may want this.
It's pretty frustrating, and for now I can't find a way around it, so I'm defaulting to user experience.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
My Facebook Quest
Gotta love the web!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Robbie on Rails part 3
Turns out the validates_associates function doesn't really do what we had expected it to do, but by using the key function validates_on_create we were able to roll our own data restrictions.
I have to say, I really enjoyed coding in Rails yesterday, long may it continue =)
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Robbie on Rails Part 2
Very infuriating.
Robbie on Rails
I bought a few books on rails for the office and I'm a bit disapointed with one of the books which claimed to be "agile" and hasn't shown me how to write a test and I'm upto chapter 6.
On another note, I've been asked to do a rails brown bag at work, I may use what this book has taught me, but introduce tests.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
XML Digital Signiture in C#
There's almost nothing online about using this in C#, and the other doc is showing you how to do this in WSE which is what I'm trying to avoid. I've signed the request and sent it, but am trying to validate the response.
Athlete @ Koko

I went to see Athlete at Koko in Camden on Tuesday evening with some friends and thought I'd share a little story. After years of getting to gigs early in the off chance there might be a good support band (there have been times, I saw Nada Surf supporting Blur once, good album) we decide to pitch our tent in the local boozer before heading down for the main event. This time we were in the Crown and Goose on Arlington Street and as it happens, Athlete were in there having a cheeky pint before the gig. Sam noticed them, so I gave her the tickets and she got them signed. Cool eh?
Friday, July 06, 2007
My fun with Ubuntu
I haven't really been pushing it, but today I decided to come good with my promise to learn a new programming language and I've chosen PHP. I tried it on my Vista PC and quickly got bored trying to configure IIS, so I thought I'd try it on my Ubuntu computer. I've been following this:
So far, so good. Some hiccups though, like the C compiler missing and therefore not being able to build Apache Tomcat. I quickly found out what I needed to do, but I was a little stuck without Google's help. Saying that however, I quickly came unstuck, but when I found package manager I told it download what I wanted and it did. Then I created a hello world PHP file and it worked.
Cool huh?
Sunday, July 01, 2007
evolution of internet communities
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Developer Express
One interesting application that was presented was Developer Expresses DXCore for Visual Studio plugins. This app allows a really easy way to to build plug ins using the code based used for CodeRush and Refactor from Developer Express. It's pretty powerful but there was a drawback, and that was in distribution.
If you wanted to distribute a Visual Studio plug in you'd developed, the target computer would have to have DxCore installed to. It's free which is cool, but it's just another step. Still, it's worth considering if you're developing a framework or tool kit to run in the VS IDE.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Filter/Dispatcher pattern for URI handling in .Net
Friday, May 25, 2007
Software Engineering as a Service
I suppose a question to ask is: who is our customer?
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Sleepless in Colorado
Saturday, May 12, 2007
My Bear vs Shark Moment
Share The Love!
I've had similar thoughts on, as a software engineer I don't care what tools I use as long as their the right ones to get the job done. Sometimes that's been Microsoft tools, sometimes open source tools, or sometimes just the good old web! Jeff really hits the nail on the head, stop fighting and start worrying about building better software.
edit: also was sent this, which adds a nice perspective:
Monday, May 07, 2007
Mavericks at work - Review
Release Early vs Release Smarter
Releasing technologies early is cool. If you get a beta, you expect some teething problems, but now after a few months of .Net 3 being released, I'd expect better tool sets by now. It just makes me thing, if you're going to release something, please make sure there's appropriate tools and support.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
May my colleges have mercy on me. lol
Getting Paid to Play Games
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
The Difference between Music and Telco industries
I'm a bit fed up of hearing the music industry bitch. If they don't come up with an answer soon, they'll find themselves out of work.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Lack of Support for MsTest
Thursday, March 15, 2007
The Conflict of Test Driven Development and Compile Time Code Analysis
So we have to suppress the error to make it compile, and hope to remember to take out the suppressions.
Now that sucks!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
There is some special occasions though when a particular show grabs my attention and pulls me in. Being somewhat of a geek. (Ok, a lot of a geek) this new tend in mainstream sci-fi TV shows is getting the better of me. This weekend I've spent most of the time in front of the TV watching Heros. I'm really enjoying TV recently. These season long plots, fast paced, low key sci-fi shows are getting me everytime. Sure there's shows I can't really stand (Lost?) but still find myself watching week in week out, but I'm happy that we seem to have put sit coms to one side for a while to enjoy character developement and kick ass plots.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Are We Hard To Shock?
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Friday, February 09, 2007
FxCop is dead, long live FxCop
Q) Looks nice in the IDE, but how do I integrate this into my build process?
A) By cunningly enforcing rules at compile time.
Q) Interesting, tell me more. (Not really a question, I know).
A) Go to the project properties and select ‘Code Analysis’. By choosing ‘All configurations’, then enabling (not set by default) Code Analysis and (here’s the cunning bit), set each rule status set to (compile time) ‘Error’ i.e. code will not compile if a rule is broken.
Q) What if I want to turn off a rule?
A) In the properties, you can enable or disable an individual rule or a whole rule set. Alternatively, if you right click on the compile time error in the error list, you can select ‘Suppress Message’. This generates a file in the project called ‘GlobalSuppressions.cs’ which contains assembly attributes for individual rules.
Q) Will it affect my build environment?
A) If you’re calling MSBuild on the command line, you have to set the FXCOPDIR environment variable (see next Q)
Q) So I still need to install FxCop?
A) Not if you have Visual Studio Team Edition for Testers as FxCop is bundled and can be found here (default directory): C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Team Tools\Static Analysis Tools\FxCop
Q) Is there any way to force code analysis or check that it’ being run in the build?
A) Code analysis isn’t set by default, so unless you wanted to create a project template with it set you couldn’t make sure it’s enabled on every new project created. You could check the csproj file to make sure it’s enabled using xPath or otherwise (/Project/ProjectGroup/RunCodeAnalysis = true) or check the MSBuild results in the build report.
Q) How can these rules be shared by the team ... are the rules that are turned off saved into the project/solution file?
A)The rules are embedded into the project file (yes, you have to set the rules for each project) including turned off and suppressed rules via the GlobalSuppression.cs file within the project at the root of the project.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Gamma Testing
Monday, January 08, 2007
Thoughts from a train
So, I'm waiting at Kings Cross for a train to Edinburgh. I'm early as usual (a character trait which forces me never to be late, but always far to early!), so I get a coffee and pick up the metro. Searching, I find no-where to sit and once I finish my coffee I find no bin to put the cup in.
Why is it that we're so paranoid in London that we don't have any bins anywhere. We'd rather contribute to poluting our fair city the comprimise the security. Funnily enough I didn't notice any litter at the station. Go figure.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Keep It Simple, Stupid!
I really wanted to show off some of the functionalities of the new BT SDK by integrating it into Windows Media Centre Edition (MCE). However trying to implement the simplest solution in MCE proved to be a performance in itself.
Recently I'd read Adam Bosworth's blog in Joel Spolsky's Best Software Writing I book. As Bosworth said "It was essentially a reminder to a group of very smart people that their intelligence should be used to accommodate really simple user and programmer models, not to build really complicated ones". I felt this was certainly applicable in the case where I was developing an MCE add in.
I went onto read Bosworth's blog with all the comments posted. Bosworth talked about the simplicity of PHP and RSS and the complexity of WS*, SOAP and WSDL. Many of the comments discussed their disagreements with the decision to highlight these items but I feel many missed the point of the discussion in general.
Bosworth says it himself, "software which is flexible, simple, sloppy, tolerant, and altogether forgiving of human foibles and weaknesses turns out to be actually the most steel cored, able to survive and grow while software which is demanding, abstract, rich but systematized, turns out to collapse in on itself in a slow and grim implosion."
Alan Kay said (and we've heard it around the office plenty of times) "Simple things should be simple, complex things should be possible". We've heard Tim say this plenty of times, but the SDK demo really brought this home for me. We weren't making it simple for the developers who'd be using the SDK. Both capabilities and the .Net SDK were guilty of this. There are arguments as too why this was the case, but at the end of the day it wasn't easy enough and that's what any developer would say when attempting to use our services.
Bosworth talks about how the simple and ambiguous free text search (Boolean logic) won over the seemingly easier query by example. "The engineering is hard, but the user model is simple and sloppy". We have to ensure that we follow this logic. The .Net SDK is there to make life unbelievably simple for the developer. We have to ensure that we hide as much complexity as possible from each abstracted layer so that the component layer can do something cool in one line of code.
Bosworth has concerns regarding WSDL, but remember let's forget about the technology for now and look at the underlining issue. "When it doesn't work, no human can figure out why". We've all had our problems with WSDL and developing on MCE proved equally frustrating. Initially I had to install MCE to get the libraries to develop against and had to develop custom batch scripts to compile and register my add-in. When I was happy with my "Hello, World" MCE add-in, I was ready to develop a BT SDK app but when it came to run the application it didn't work and there was no stack trace, no log file, no acknowledgement that the add-in had even failed. With my limited MCE development knowledge, I had run into a brick wall with reinforced steel, concrete and MCE developers!
Bosworth goes onto discuss programmers who consider code to be a means to an end. "The important issue is the content and the community, not the technology". As mentioned earlier, I originally wanted to do a brown bag on integrating MCE with the BT SDK, but the technology was an issue and so was the lack of content within the community. Developing on MCE felt like developing using COM; powerful, but as a newbie MCE developer, overwhelming.
Bosworth focuses on the value not of the technology but of the content. "The value is neither in the computers nor in the software that runs on them. It is in the content and the software's ability to find and filter content and in the software's ability to enable people to collaborate and communicate about content (and each other)". I feel this re-enforces the comment about the engineering being hard, but the user model being simple. The technology isn't important. Whether it's SIP, Oracle, SOAP or WS* it doesn't matter. What matters is that we get the content that matters to the users who want it (if they're allowed to access it of course).
We've all probably taught out parents or kids to use a computer and the internet and Bosworth reveals something that as engineers we can often forget. "My mother never complains that she needs a better client for Amazon. Instead, her interest is in better community tools, better book lists, easier ways to see the book lists, more trust in the reviewers, librarians discussions since she is a librarian and so on". An awesome SDK, great content and easy delivery isn't enough; supporting tools and communities need to exist to make using the application an experience and too pool the knowledge into a community to expose the power and simplicity of the products that are on the market.
"For the first time since computing came along, AI is in the mainstream". People can argue both sides for this comment, but I believe this comment comes from the ability of software to filter and deliver content to the users efficiently and quickly.