Sunday, March 11, 2007


I always say I don't watch that much TV, and in many ways this is true. Due to the combination of a bad memory and laziness I would rarely rush home to watch that special show at whatever o'clock. Even the new PVC (the very nice BT Vision) doesn't help as I've only got freeview and I'll be dammed to pay Sky or anyone else for content I'm not going to watch (see above for reasons).

There is some special occasions though when a particular show grabs my attention and pulls me in. Being somewhat of a geek. (Ok, a lot of a geek) this new tend in mainstream sci-fi TV shows is getting the better of me. This weekend I've spent most of the time in front of the TV watching Heros. I'm really enjoying TV recently. These season long plots, fast paced, low key sci-fi shows are getting me everytime. Sure there's shows I can't really stand (Lost?) but still find myself watching week in week out, but I'm happy that we seem to have put sit coms to one side for a while to enjoy character developement and kick ass plots.


DE said...

Heroes is pretty cool. 2 hour special on Monday I think.

I loved Lost too - but now I can't follow it I've lost interest.

Robbie said...

Lost interest lol