Thursday, July 12, 2007

XML Digital Signiture in C#

Why is using DS so hard? No, I'm not talking about the Nintendo DS either.

There's almost nothing online about using this in C#, and the other doc is showing you how to do this in WSE which is what I'm trying to avoid. I've signed the request and sent it, but am trying to validate the response.


Athlete @ Koko

I went to see Athlete at Koko in Camden on Tuesday evening with some friends and thought I'd share a little story. After years of getting to gigs early in the off chance there might be a good support band (there have been times, I saw Nada Surf supporting Blur once, good album) we decide to pitch our tent in the local boozer before heading down for the main event. This time we were in the Crown and Goose on Arlington Street and as it happens, Athlete were in there having a cheeky pint before the gig. Sam noticed them, so I gave her the tickets and she got them signed. Cool eh?

Friday, July 06, 2007

My fun with Ubuntu

I've been using Ubuntu at home for a while now. To be honest, all I've used it for so far has been surfing and email and it's handled all I've needed well with the added bonus that OpenOffice is already installed so I can read those documents that people send to me, even the ones where people have pasted pictures into a work document. Never quite understood that, but hey ho.

I haven't really been pushing it, but today I decided to come good with my promise to learn a new programming language and I've chosen PHP. I tried it on my Vista PC and quickly got bored trying to configure IIS, so I thought I'd try it on my Ubuntu computer. I've been following this:

So far, so good. Some hiccups though, like the C compiler missing and therefore not being able to build Apache Tomcat. I quickly found out what I needed to do, but I was a little stuck without Google's help. Saying that however, I quickly came unstuck, but when I found package manager I told it download what I wanted and it did. Then I created a hello world PHP file and it worked.

Cool huh?

Sunday, July 01, 2007

evolution of internet communities

Isnt' it strange how a few years ago I would have been considered a real geek for posting on a forum with a bunch of people I'd never have met before, yet now with MySpace, Twitter, Facebook and all the others, it's almost the norm now. Odd how the technology has evolved now as well, with forums people come together around a topic or area, now they have their own little place on the web and people go to each other, and interact with that space directly.