Friday, July 06, 2007

My fun with Ubuntu

I've been using Ubuntu at home for a while now. To be honest, all I've used it for so far has been surfing and email and it's handled all I've needed well with the added bonus that OpenOffice is already installed so I can read those documents that people send to me, even the ones where people have pasted pictures into a work document. Never quite understood that, but hey ho.

I haven't really been pushing it, but today I decided to come good with my promise to learn a new programming language and I've chosen PHP. I tried it on my Vista PC and quickly got bored trying to configure IIS, so I thought I'd try it on my Ubuntu computer. I've been following this:

So far, so good. Some hiccups though, like the C compiler missing and therefore not being able to build Apache Tomcat. I quickly found out what I needed to do, but I was a little stuck without Google's help. Saying that however, I quickly came unstuck, but when I found package manager I told it download what I wanted and it did. Then I created a hello world PHP file and it worked.

Cool huh?


psd said...

very cool ;-)

Now take a look at "Cake", the "Zend Framework" and Wordpress for inspiration.

Robbie said...

I'll check that out, thanks =)