Saturday, December 27, 2008

The fall of Zavvi along with several other soon to be notable high street absentees and the troubles the banking system has been going through has got me thinking.

First I want to tackle failure of business processes. Zavvi's main reason for going out of business, according to the press was a domino affect from Woolworth's going into administration. Zavvi relied heavily on Woolworth's wholesale as a source of DVDs and CDs. From the outside in, it seems Zavvi operated with wholesale distributors of goods rather than dealing directly with manufactures. There's nothing wrong with that of course, however, if you deal with a middle man who goes out of business than you're left scrambling looking for a replacement at the same costs. No doubt, if you have one middle man, you've probably aligned prices closely (albeit probably a given percentage above) the distributor.

Why wasn't this adequately highlighted as a risk? Why only have one supplier? If you must have one supplier, at least have a good idea of alternatives at the drop of a hat if that risk is realised.

This comes nicely into my second point, it almost seems that Zavvi have suffered a misapplication of the Toyota Production System in that they pulled stock into their store as to minimise inventory, and therefore waste. Keeping the time between ordering from the wholesaler to getting into the customers hands is a worthy goal to aim for. After all, unsold stock is not money in the bank. But again, this raises the risk of only having one core supplier.

Moving onto Woolworth's itself, I find myself asking what Woolworth's actually sells and the only answer I can fathom is that it's a general store. They never specialised in anything, meaning that they never had the buying power to lower their prices and pass the savings onto their customers leaving them with a breadth of stock. In my opinion that stock wasn't a breadth of high end stock, it was a breadth of medium to low end goods, odds and ends and overly priced electrical/entertainment goods. If I needed a new set of tea towels, brilliant, but for the floorspace they wouldn't be able to justify just selling bits and bobs like that.

This leaves me asking, who are your customers, and what differentiates you from your competitors?

Finally, how can you expect to survive charging the prices both Zavvi and Woolworth's seemed happy to charge? In both stores I could find a product, say a DVD, from a fairly well known internet only business,, cheaper that wasn't even on sale than on the highsteet in post Christmas/liquidation sales. does advertise nationally on TV, radio and in print, and although I won't argue the brand awareness between Woolworths and, it's not like people couldn't find

I guess after all is said and done, as a business you need to know your customers, know your competitors, know your business processes and understand your risks and how to mitigate those risks. On top of that, I'd like to add you should always be asking these questions, always looking for improvements and changes.

Just look at Tesco, boy have they changed! They seem to know what their customers want, and are constantly changing, adding new product lines in store and online.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Doing the Right thing vs Doing it right

There was one lightening talk at XPDay that has stuck in my head, and I want to try to reproduce the discussion here. I'm sure I'll get some details wrong, but you'll just have to bare with me. The talk was on doing the right thing verses doing it right.

If you look at the image below, you'll see an XY graph, along the Y axis is doing the right thing, i.e. building the right solution. Along the X axis is doing it right, i.e. building the solution well. There was some studies into these metrics, but I don't know what it is, so I'm just going to use pseudo numbers.

In the lower left quadrant, you'll see doing the wrong thing, and doing it badly. The cost of the project is greater than the average IT project, and the revenue is lower than expected. In the upper left quadrant your doing the right thing, but you're doing it wrong. Your costs are still larger than average but you are making more revenue as you're building the required product. In the bottom right you're doing the wrong thing, but you're doing it well so your costs are lower than average, but your revenue isn't as good as expected. In the top right, you're doing the right thing and you're doing it well. Your costs are lower than average, and your revenue is higher than expected.

Now, of course, this is abstract and to be taken with a large pinch of salt, but there are some interesting deductions to be made. Firstly, we were told that according to the study, it's near impossible to go from building the right thing badly to building the right thing well. Looking at the rest, it seems intuitive that if you were doing the wrong thing badly, you'd want to do the right thing badly before doing the right thing well, but in actual fact, it's less costly and more efficient to do the wrong thing well and progress to building the right thing well.

So, where's your project on the quadrant, where do you want to be and how to you want to get there?

Software Development: By Way

I tend to think the way libraries and frameworks are made could easily be applied to teams and projects. When building an application, generally you focus on solving the business problem with the best tools available. When you move onto the next problem, you might have that eureka moment where you find that there are sub parts of the new problem which overlaps with the previous problem. The fact that you've already solved this problem, means you'd be silly not to reuse that. Thus, you have identified a common functionality, and if you extract that into a new library, you have reusable code across more than one project. Brilliant.

The other way that you'd come across common functionality is through conversation. In true water cooler mannerisms, this will often be coincidental, but again, if you can identify commonality and extract that, you are deriving business value. Not only are you reusing something, meaning time can be saved and all teams benefit from faster delivery, but with more eyes on the same code, the chances of that becoming more robust grow.

So far we mentioned code, but this could just as easily be process and tools, like build scripts, deployment practices, server provisioning and lots more too. The key is to make discovery, and sharing easy. I think the key here is relationships and communication.

I think this model can be applied to projects too, where new projects are spawned to develop/manage commonality, this team doesn't necessarily have to consist of full time staff, it could be part time or ad-hoc, but there should always be a project owner/lead even if the project is sleeping. Anyone should feel they can contribute to the project, for the benefit of all the teams, even if there are full timers on the project.

I think, over time, this will form a network of loosely joined teams surrounding a handful of core projects, almost like atoms around a nucleus. I see these core projects being things like:

* build scripts, including testing tools and reporting
* logging and monitoring scripts
* deployment processes
* network and hardware management and provisioning
* data access layers (especially if all projects share common relations like customers)
* service access layers, for accessing hosted services
* user interface asset management
* hosted tools support, e.g. source control, software repositories, wikis, mailing lists, story tracking, continuous integration boxes etc

There's probably a bunch more too. But as I mentioned earlier, relationships are probably the most important aspect here. Establishing a community between the project leads and another for the wider developer group across all the projects will help, but you have to support the community, let it flourish. The more the community collaborates and communicates the more they'll drive towards commonality and reuse. Of course, people will have different ideas and prefer different tools, and that should be supported as long as the principle of spinning out or contributing to projects carries on.

Monday, December 15, 2008

XPDay Review

On Thursday and Friday of last week I showed up at XPDay, and attended some cool sessions including:

Nat Pryce on TDD of async code:

Matt Wynne on Lean Engineering:

Had some interesting discussions with some cool people including:

So, I was interested in Gojko Anzic's open space session on the new Fitnesse SLIM implemenation. It looks like it's much, much easier to wrap domain objects instead of creating fixture classes for testing. It's not quite ready yet, but I'm looking forward to a stable release.

There was also an interesting keynote from Marc Baker of ( on his experiences of introducing lean principles into the NHS.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

XP Day 2008

If you're attending, I'm presenting with Rags and Fabs on Friday morning. Hope to see you there.