Monday, January 08, 2007

Thoughts from a train

First of all, it's pretty hard writing from a train where you don't have a seat with a table is pretty hard. I don't think when the engineers were designing the train I'm sitting on thought that the tray for eating would be used for resting a laptop on. On well, it's a minor thing I suppose, I can make do with the shaking, mistaking typing of mine.

So, I'm waiting at Kings Cross for a train to Edinburgh. I'm early as usual (a character trait which forces me never to be late, but always far to early!), so I get a coffee and pick up the metro. Searching, I find no-where to sit and once I finish my coffee I find no bin to put the cup in.

Why is it that we're so paranoid in London that we don't have any bins anywhere. We'd rather contribute to poluting our fair city the comprimise the security. Funnily enough I didn't notice any litter at the station. Go figure.

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