Friday, December 29, 2006

WPF and the Web21C SDK

So I downloaded MS Expression Blend (Beta 1) the other day and had a little play around. It's a little clunky, but has a lot of potential. I really like the way the design has been abstracted away from the code further then the move to partial classes in Visual Studio 2005.

Using Expression Blend, I created my (awesome) GUI for a sample app I've been working on using the SDK. Added a few buttons, text boxes and the like and then added some on click events. Indecently, this was one of the issues I came across where you couldn't edit the .cs code files behind the XAML and trying to create an event wouldn't create the signatures in the code.

The nice thing about this package is that it creates a Visual Studio project so after doing the design you can open it up in and edit the project in VS2005. From here on in it's the same as any other SDK application: set up WSE, add references and get coding.

The presentation of the application look really nice. I'm happy to see that our SDK can be used in many ways with all of these different tools. Next up is WPF/e.

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