Friday, December 29, 2006

Book Review: Practices of an Agile Developer

For any developer starting out with agile, I'd like to recommend this book. Indeed, for any well practiced agile developer, I'd also like to recommend this book.

I first got wind of Practices of an Agile Developer on DotNet Rocks show 205 where the authors Venkat Subramaniam and Andrew Hunt were interviewed and discussed their new book. There are some great agile books around, though they tend to me more about the way things should be done to be agile, but this book dives more into the mind of a developer on a agile project.

The conversational style makes the book really easy to read with plenty of stories thrown in to help illustrate a point. The use of the devil/angel at the start and end of each point also brought home a point (the devil would recommend something evil yet plausible whilst the angel would say what you might actually want to do).

Any developer on an agile project would probably already know a lot of the points raised, but the bite size chunks along side the easy to read prose makes this book worth flicking through regardless of experience.

Pick up your copy.

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