Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Scott Hansleman podcast with the Poppendieck's

A great podcast which deserves it's own post to comment on it. Mary Poppendieck really came out with some cracking soundbites including:

* product teams should be driven by profit and loss, not by on-time, on-budget, in-scope, customer satisfaction and quality.
* engineering and business - it's not them and us, it should be all of us
* no excuse for IT people to be separate (organisational) from the business if IT
* If IT it routine (email etc), outsourcing is fine, how innovate can your email be? If building core competencies, outsourcing is generally a bad idea
* leverage workers intelligence to deliver, management should be leaders, not micro managers

loads of good stuff, check it out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent soundbites. Now, let's just see BT nibble on them...