Monday, January 07, 2008

My New Years Resolutions

I know it's a little late, but better late then never eh?

My new years resolution is simple really: be more selfish. In the nicest possible way of course. Over the last few months I've found myself being online a lot, in a sort of attached-to-the-hip sort of way.

It really came to me on Saturday when I was sitting on the sofa, enjoying a cup of tea and reading the Guardian. I paused and thought to myself, "this is nice, it's been too long since I just sat and thoroughly read the paper". I went on to think about when I used to go away for the weekend hiking, or mountain biking, or how I used to actually go to the gym regularly, play football and generally be a lot fitter then I am now.

I kept found myself wanting to check my email, Twitter and my RSS reader to see what was going on and thinking back, it seems nothing that I didn't miss that much after all.

Here's an interesting twittersation for you, which left me thinking my new years resolution is to spend less time online, and spend more time doing stuff I used to like doing. (This coming from a man who just wrote four blog posts in an hour!)

To do that, I may have to cull my RSS reader and unfollow people on Twitter, so sorry about that in advance. Please add me to your Google address book though if you use Google Reader, the shared items is a great filter of information.


JayFresh said...

Hear hear!

I've been reading some disturbing literature recently about reclaiming time for yourself and getting out of the 9-5 mindset. May I recommend "The 4-hour work week", by Tim Ferris and anything by Ricardo Semler (currently I'm reading "The 7-day weekend" - spot the theme in my choice of books...).


Anonymous said...

Amen.. Amen.. When you realise you spent more time on pointless social network sites then you did outside (even tho its freezing), you got to worry.

Robbie said...

I like the idea of 4 hour working weeks, though it's the time I spend when I'm not working that's more of a concern.