Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Open Sourcing Twitter Apps

I know it's only a tiny app, but I've had people ask me about how I created the Twitter apps to post the latest football scores (e.g. so having a bit of extra time (no pun intented) this week I decided to grab the latest copy and put in on Google Code. It serves another purpose as I hadn't backed it up, so now it's in source control and I can point people to it who are interested.

Tuck in - all 3kb of it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Robbie - I had a look at your script, but, not being very technically-minded, couldn't quite work out how to use it.

It looks like it requires a URL from the BBC - how would I find the right URL for Tranmere Rovers?

Robbie said...

I'll create it for you:

I'll make it clearer how to add teams for those who are interested.

Anonymous said...

Nice app, glad you opened it! While it's on my mind (, how about including a license statement even if it's just 3K.

Robbie said...

Thanks Michael, the latest score app is released under an MIT licence, much as you suggest in your post =)