Saturday, April 14, 2007


So giving Ubuntu a try this week. After so much fuss getting a Windows server at work with licenses and such, I feel pretty turned off by Microsoft at the moment. Otu at work has been using Ubuntu for well over a year now and I've been meaning to try it, especially seeing as I'd got a new laptop a few months back and nothing to use the relatively new but now obsolete laptop I had. So here I am, this post coming to you from an Ubuntu powered laptop.

May my colleges have mercy on me. lol

Getting Paid to Play Games

The life of a software developer can be a hard one, but now and then you're asked to do something which makes you jump for joy like the kids from South Park when the Terence and Phillip movies comes to town. When you're boss asks you if you've ever read 'Snow Crash' (if you haven't, go read it now) with a glint in his eye followed by 'go and make our services work in a MMORPG', that's the feeling I get.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Difference between Music and Telco industries

While the music industry continues to moan the loss of traditional revenues, the telco industry is attempting to embrace change. I should know, working on projects like at the UKs incumbant telco.

I'm a bit fed up of hearing the music industry bitch. If they don't come up with an answer soon, they'll find themselves out of work.